Home / About / Code of Conduct



Sooke School District elementary schools believe that our schools are places for safe, purposeful learning for all. We believe that is a shared responsibility of students, staff, parents / guardians and the broader community to demonstrate positive conduct while attending any school or district related activity, at any location.  This code of conduct is intended to outline expectations of behavior and adheres to Sooke School Board policy C-309, the BC Human Rights Code and the Community VTRA (Violent Threat Risk Assessment) Protocol.

Sooke School District elementary schools are safe, caring and inclusive.  We value students and positive school culture. All members of the school community have an obligation to:

  • Support learning
  • Promote safety
  • Respect property, environment, personal space and privacy
  • Model courtesy, compassion and respect
  • Respect, honor and celebrate diversity
  • Engage in collaborative problem solving

All members of the school community will refrain from engaging in any in-person or digital communication or behaviour considered to be:

  • Bullying, harassing, intimidating, retaliating, discriminating or violent;
  • Interfering with the learning and working of others;
  • Unsafe or illegal, including the possession, use or distribution of illegal or restricted substances, or the possession of weapons or replicas.

SD62 elementary school communities uphold the BC Human Rights Code respecting the rights of individuals.  This includes refraining from discriminatory conduct based on race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, and age.

Student Use of Personal Digital Devices

SD62 Schools are committed to restricting the use of personal digital devices at school for the purpose of promoting online safety and focused learning environments.

Teachers may plan for student use of personal mobile devices for instructional purposes or digital literacy, for health or medical purposes or as assistive technology for the purpose of inclusive education as informed by the Inclusive Education Teacher. At all other times, personal mobile devices, inclusive of laptops and chrome books shall re-main stored away for the duration of the school day- this includes recess and lunch. This policy applies to ear buds/headphones as well.

Our Practice

We encourage and model behavior that is kind, safe and responsible. We recognize that we all make mistakes. We help children fix their mistakes through supportive, restorative practices so they return to the group strengthened. We keep parents/guardians informed of incidents at school so that we may work together to support children to learn to solve problems in peaceful ways.

Action will be determined by each individual situation. Every effort will be made to support individuals and to determine the context of behaviour. When working with students, staff may adjust the action based on the maturity, grade level, progressive discipline and ability of the student to understand expectations of their behaviour. If the safety or educational program of others is compromised, or if there is an ongoing failure to meet the expectations of the code of conduct, a range of actions may follow.  These may include:

  • Conference/conversation with all affected parties
  • Notification of parent(s)/guardian(s)
  • Restitution
  • Referral to School Based Team
  • Removal from classroom, playground, or privileges
  • Referral to counselling or supportive interventions
  • School community restitution
  • Activation of the VTRA protocol and involvement of Safe Schools Team
  • Formal suspension from school

All members of the Sooke School District community have the right to be treated equitably and with dignity and should be familiar with this shared code of conduct.

Fair Notice

Violence and threats of violence are taken very seriously in the Sooke School District. As such, the district provides parents/guardians with a Fair Notice about its Violence Threat Risk Assessment (VTRA) policies and protocols.